Sitting Lots? Try These Exercises!

You were feeling good over the winter holiday, moving lots, getting your steps in, things were starting to look good for 2023…

January comes, and you back to sitting in front of your computer or technology once again, thinking about the back and neck pain that creeps in when you don’t move as much…

Try these exercises to help alleviate that pain and ensure you’re maintaining good posture while sitting.

1. Modified Thread the Needle

  • Start on all fours with core engaged. You are going to place one hand behind your neck. Next, you are going bring that arm across the body to the opposite arm and then you are going to reach that same arm up towards the ceiling as far as is comfortable. Make sure to have your head flow your arm through the movements. Repeat movement on the other side.
  • Complete 3 sets x 10 reps on each side.

2. Pec Stretch

  • Lay with your back on a half foam roller or rolled up towel. The roller should reach from your hips to your head. Next, place both hands under your neck and drop your elbows down towards the floor You should feel a stretch along the front of your chest. Hold this position for the desired time.
  • Complete 3 sets x 60 second holds

3. Banded Wall Slides

  • Start standing near a wall with a band around your forearms and your forearms touching the wall. Next engaged your core with your chest up tall. Pull your shoulder blades back and down from your ears then slide your arms up the wall as high as possible while maintaining shoulder position. Return to the start position and repeat. Keep tension in the band throughout the movement.
  • Complete 3 sets x 10 reps

4. Deep Neck Flexor Holds

  • Lay flat on your back with your head on the ground. Next, you are going to poke your chin towards the ceiling then you are going bring it down into a double chin in a slow controlled manner. You want to do this without engaging the major muscles in your neck but instead the little ones that are deeper in the neck. Once you’ve created your double chin you are going to lift your head just off the floor and hold it for the recommended time. Return to the start position and repeat.
  • Complete 3 sets x 5 reps, with 2 second hold at the top position

5. Dead Bug – Phase 1

  • Lay flat on your back, you are going to engage your core by bringing your ribs down like a mid-point of a cough and tilting your pelvis up so that your back is flat on the ground. Now you are going to lift one knee up to 90* hip Flexion in a controlled manner, then return to the start position and repeat on the other side. Throughout the movement, you want to keep your back flat against the ground and remember to breathe.
  • Complete 3 sets x 10 reps per side

Wildewood Health has a Chronic Pain Program or Life Performance Program with individualized, programs and reassessments that suit the needs of you!

Curious about these? Book a 30-minute discovery call to find out more.

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