Online appointments are an effective way to continue to move toward your goals when roadblocks get in the way. Online appointments were extremely effective during the COVID-19 shutdowns and continue to have a place when individuals are sick, or weather does not permit coming to the clinic.
During your online appointment, sessions will format similarly. We will check-in, complete mobility exercises and then strengthening exercises when applicable. We will also use the time to answer any questions you may have and provide education.
Please ensure that you have a large enough space to do some mobility and exercises.
Jane is our online system, which is the same system used for booking.
When your appointment is switched to an online appointment, you will receive an email from us explaining how to do this. Online appointments can be done on your phone/ iPad or on your desktop if you have a webcam. If you will be going off your phone/ iPad, you will have to download the JANE app.
Once you have booked an online appointment, you will receive this email:

Once you click on “Begin Your Online Appointment,” this next window will pop up:

If you are on the desktop and click “I Consent, Begin Online Appointment,” you will automatically be prompted to begin your sessions.
If you are on an iPad/ phone and click “I Consent, Begin Online Appointment,” you will be prompted to download the app. If you already have the app, your session will begin automatically.
Wondering when Wildewood Health uses our online appointments? Check out our snow policy or sick policy to find out.
Thank you for working with us during these extenuating times.